Psychic Medium, Intuition Laura Carbone Psychic Medium, Intuition Laura Carbone

Die Mediale Frau

Über die Wiederverbindung mit dem instinktiven Selbst und dem Archetyp, der in jedem von uns wohnt.

Die Mediale Frau steht zwischen der alltäglichen Wirklichkeit und dem mystischen Unbewussten und dient sowohl als Empfänger als auch als Übermittler von Botschaften aus beiden Sphären.

Psychic Medium, History, Education Laura Carbone Psychic Medium, History, Education Laura Carbone

Von Verfolgung zur Macht: Die Hexe in der zeitgenössischen Gesellschaft

Verbrenne die Hexe! – Ein Einblick in die systematischen Gewalt gegen Intuitive in Europa

In alten Zivilisationen wie Ägypten, Babylonien oder Assyrien wurden subtile Energien und deren Existenz anerkannt und dokumentiert. Dies trug dazu bei, die Geheimnisse der Welt zu entschlüsseln und religiöse Gemeinschaften zu formen.

Wheel of the Year, Autumn, Herbst, Jahreskreis Laura Carbone Wheel of the Year, Autumn, Herbst, Jahreskreis Laura Carbone

Herbst: Winde der Veränderung

Und so verabschieden wir uns von den trägen Tagen des Spätsommers. Eine subtile, aber deutliche Veränderung erfasst die Welt um uns und leitet den Zauber des Frühherbstes ein. Diese Übergangszeit ist gekennzeichnet durch einen sanften Wandel in der Luft, eine flüsternde Brise, die einen Hauch von Veränderung mit sich trägt – das Versprechen kühlerer Tage und eines lebhaften Teppichs aus Herbstfarben.

Wheel of the Year, Elements, Tarot, Symbolism Laura Carbone Wheel of the Year, Elements, Tarot, Symbolism Laura Carbone

Spring - It’s him

Spring is the time of awakening, falling in love, growth, and the fulfillment of the promise of cyclicality: Everything begins anew, and after the cold of winter comes the cheerfulness of spring.

In this article you will be tuned into the the symbolic and cyclical significance of this season, which invites us to go into expansion, to be bold and to connect our heart with the blossoming nature.



An Advocacy for the Season of Silence

Admittedly, the fourth season, where colors play out on the gray spectrum and occasionally emerge in snow white and sky blue, is rarely perceived as pleasant by most. Here in Berlin, it is the additional cold that demands us to dress in thick layers, equally dark as the evening that seemingly begins too early. And honestly, do we really do justice to this magical time of the year when we rush into a forced big energy mode on the 1st of January? I really doubt it.

Psychic Medium, History, Education Laura Carbone Psychic Medium, History, Education Laura Carbone

From Persecution to Power: Redefining the Witch in Contemporary Society

Burn the Witch - A Concise History of Systemic Violence Against Intuitives in Europe

In ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, or Assyria, subtle energies and their existence were recognized, documented, contributing to unraveling the mysteries of the world, and forming religious communities.

Practicing individuals, those intentionally using their intuition, were punished with death at that time, though not actively persecuted. Except for their gender, origin, associated privileges, or religious attitudes, if politically acceptable to the ruling authority, they were called philosophers, prophets, or oracles.

Psychic Medium, Intuition, Autumn Laura Carbone Psychic Medium, Intuition, Autumn Laura Carbone

Practicing Dying - Guest article by Griet Hellinckx

Our reflection on mortality is a journey that mirrors the wisdom of nature's ever-turning seasons, encouraging us to embrace change and let go of our deepest fears and uncertainties.

In times of fake news, there is one statement that we do not need to doubt. It applies to every one of us: we are going to die. Or to put it more precisely: Our physical body will die. Although this is an undeniable truth, we tend to ignore it.

Essay, Health Laura Carbone Essay, Health Laura Carbone


Confessions from the past

Collective pain is what we’re experiencing worldwide - perhaps a collective depression.

It might be new to some people for sadness to be around so often, so I’d like to share my experience living with sadness as a regular guest.

Sound Healing, What is... Laura Carbone Sound Healing, What is... Laura Carbone


Long story short: Physics

Many people understand that the healing power of music is indisputable. Despite this, doubt often leads to reluctance in taking advantage of this healing power.

How can music, a composition of frequency, energy and sound, contribute to holistic healing?

What sort of knowledge and especially evidence does one need in order to be open to this accessible form of medicine? And how can frequencies and oscillations our have a sustained influence on our consciousness?
