Von Verfolgung zur Macht: Die Hexe in der zeitgenössischen Gesellschaft
Verbrenne die Hexe! – Ein Einblick in die systematischen Gewalt gegen Intuitive in Europa
In alten Zivilisationen wie Ägypten, Babylonien oder Assyrien wurden subtile Energien und deren Existenz anerkannt und dokumentiert. Dies trug dazu bei, die Geheimnisse der Welt zu entschlüsseln und religiöse Gemeinschaften zu formen.
From Persecution to Power: Redefining the Witch in Contemporary Society
Burn the Witch - A Concise History of Systemic Violence Against Intuitives in Europe
In ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, or Assyria, subtle energies and their existence were recognized, documented, contributing to unraveling the mysteries of the world, and forming religious communities.
Practicing individuals, those intentionally using their intuition, were punished with death at that time, though not actively persecuted. Except for their gender, origin, associated privileges, or religious attitudes, if politically acceptable to the ruling authority, they were called philosophers, prophets, or oracles.
What are the clair Senses?
Clair senses are intuitive channels that allow us to receive subtle information. They can be trained and are highly individualized in each person.
Learn how to unclock and train your senses.