What are the clair Senses?
Picture: Helen Sobiralski, 04/2023
Clair senses are intuitive channels that allow us to receive subtle information. They can be trained and are highly individualized in each person.
... is probably the most well-known among the clair senses. Here we are talking about the ability to see images that can happen both externally and internally.
External clairvoyance occurs with open eyes. The person can perceive energies in their field of vision. Simultaneously, clairvoyance can also work when watching a film, a poster, or an external situation that triggers an "aha" moment. This can provide an answer to a question or a general impulse that stimulates internal knowledge.
Internal clairvoyance happens with closed eyes. In this case, scenes are played out in the mind, containing information, timelines, and actions that can be interpreted by the individual. Many might have experienced something like this during deep meditations, daydreams, or hypnosis.
2. Clairsentience
...occurs as an internal process and is connected to your intuitive feelings and emotions.
You might be familiar with the feeling when you enter a room and think, "I feel uncomfortable, but I don't know why." Perhaps you feel that there was an argument in that room before, and you describe the feeling as "thick, heavy, unpleasant." This could be a sign of clairsentience. Likewise, you've probably experienced positive moments when you felt welcome, nourished, and safe.
The spiritual world often communicates with me through touch, and I can feel a gentle breeze or warmth on my skin.
Please distinguish clairsentience from the abilities of empathic and highly sensitive individuals: For all groups of individuals, it makes sense to learn how your own energy body feels because this can help you differentiate between "your energy" and "not your energy." Without going too deep into the topic, I want to tell you that you don't need to feel and process energy that doesn't belong to you. More on this later.
3. Clairaudience
…can also occur internally and externally.
External clairaudience happens when you seemingly randomly hear a song on the radio that provides an answer to a question through its lyrics or mood. It can also happen that you hear background noises and even snippets of conversation that bring clarity to your thoughts. During channeling sessions with clients, it has happened multiple times that church bells ring in parallel when a powerful statement is made. Likewise, sirens, birds, and children's voices seem to sync, as if providing a fitting soundtrack, sonic exclamation mark to the spoken words.
Internal clairaudience occurs when you perceive and hear sounds from within yourself that remain hidden from the outside world. These can be voices, messages, melodies, or just a "humming." I often hear a loud, high-pitched frequency during meditation, channeling, and even in everyday life. For me, this always signifies a brief pause, and if it happens during a channeling session, I know that what is being spoken is accompanied and confirmed by a special energy.
4. Claircognizance
Sometimes, we know things that we shouldn't be able to know. This can happen with a clarity that surprises even ourselves. Many people report having this experience when a loved one experiences something bad or tragic. "I felt it, I knew it."
For trained mediums, claircognizance is much gentler, as it occurs not only in dramatic, tragic situations but also in less intense knowledge situations.
For this clair sense, inner training is, in my opinion, the most important. It presupposes and acknowledges that intuition is a powerful authority, and the mind can take a break. The heart is the impulse giver and shares knowledge with the system. The mind takes a break.
My tip here is to trust. And recognize that this knowledge comes to us with ease and doesn't need to be forced. When you feel the clarity of truth within you, hold onto it and protect it from your thoughts that might want to tell you why it's not possible. Go into the feeling and practice trust.
From a personal experience, I can share that this clarity, at least to me, felt like being directly linked to my nervous system. As if in symbiosis, I could feel how conscious relaxation for my holistic self contributed to the development of this muscle.
5. Clairalience / Clairgustance
Again, I'm speaking from my own experience when I say that clair senses sometimes require training and attention.
The images I receive are often so vivid that they overshadow the ability to sense smell and taste…
To enhance the ability to taste and smell, I started avoiding coffee and other foods and drinks with intense aromas before my sittings.
Especially when connecting with the deceased, a scent, a perfume, or even the set coffee table can be introduced through aromas, followed by the narration of a story.
So, if you soon catch the scent of your grandmother's perfume, be sure that she wants to send you a loving sign.
I can help you further develop your intuition and clair senses.
Feel free to book a short sitting, and we can assess your current status together.
Looking forward to connecting with you, Laura.