Autumn: Wind of change

Picture: Helen Sobiralksi, Make-up: Felix Stößer, Styling: Carolin Balas Pavisic

As we bid farewell to the warmth of summer's embrace, we step into the crisp, golden days of autumn, a season rich in symbolism, gratitude, tradition, and the art of letting go.

Living in the sync of autumn involves attuning oneself to the natural rhythms of the season characterized by change, introspection, and preparation for the winter months ahead.

And so we say goodbye to the languid days of late summer, a subtle yet distinct shift envelops the world around us, ushering in the magic of early autumn. This transition is marked by a gentle change in the air, a whispering breeze that carries a wind of change; the promise of cooler days and a vibrant tapestry of autumn colors. It's a time when nature shifts from one season to the next, and we, as keen observers of this cyclical dance, can revel in the beauty of this transformation. Just as the trees gracefully release their leaves, we too can let go of what no longer aligns with our authentic selves and prepare for the inner growth that winter will bring. Translating natures images into our lives, autumn provides a perfect opportunity for shedding both physical and emotional baggage, allowing us to create a welcoming space for fresh beginnings to take root.

As the days remain pleasant, but the nights grow cooler, early autumn is around the corner.


Early autumn is a season of equilibrium, marked by the autumn equinox when day and night are in perfect balance. In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal equinox falls around September 22 or 23. This moment in nature reflects a harmonious energy that can profoundly influence our lives. It encourages us to seek balance in all aspects of our existence, whether it's finding harmony between our work and personal lives or embracing the interplay of light and darkness within ourselves. We are now invited and encouraged to explore the balance within, to nourish our bodies with warming foods, seasonal spices, and herbal teas that support our well-being. We should also remind our minds that our harvest has come to completion, and we should be grateful for what we have, rather than planting new crops in autumn.

In the pagan Wheel of the Year, we're celebrating Mabon, a time for harvest, balance, reflection, and gratitude. Mabon corresponds to the sunset, twilight, and evening glow.

In a metaphorical sense, autumn is the grand sunset of the year.

As the leaves turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow, there's no better time to immerse yourself in nature. Spending time outdoors allows us to fully appreciate the changing landscape and helps our bodies adapt to the change in temperature. Long hikes in the woods, leisurely nature walks, or simply sitting in a park and observing the changing world—engaging with nature during this season can deepen our connection to the Earth and remind us of the beauty in transformation. Perhaps you will be ready to ask: What is ready to be transformed within me?

Autumn beckons us to savor each moment, celebrate the harvest, and welcome the beauty of change and letting go with open arms.

Early autumn is intrinsically tied to the harvest season

A time when the toil and care invested in gardens and fields yield a rich bounty. The vibrant hues of ripened fruits and vegetables adorn farm stands and markets, a testament to nature's abundant generosity. As we witness this harvest, we're reminded of the cyclical nature of life, where hard work and patience culminate in a season of plenty. Early autumn encourages us to savor the literal and metaphorical fruits of our labor. In a cyclical lifestyle, we'd take this opportunity to preserve the harvest by canning, drying, or fermenting, ensuring that the flavors of summer continue to nourish us through the winter.

Remember, this also applies to your work and daily life tasks. Perhaps there were projects that came to fruition in the summer; enjoy their harvest and celebrate the energetic nourishment it took to seed, water, and grow them. Hold them close to you in gratitude and allow yourself to let go of the projects that haven't come to fruition (yet!).

Nature herself is painting another timeless masterpiece, inviting us to embrace change with grace and appreciation. This season's vivid display of colors serves as a reminder that change is not just inevitable but also beautiful. Just as the trees release their leaves, we too can release what no longer serves us, making space for new growth and opportunities.

Time for Reflection and Gratitude

With its cooler evenings and cozy moments by the fire, heater or with candles, encourages us to turn inward. Reflection. Where we can contemplate the year's journey thus far. We may find ourselves expressing gratitude for the abundance in our lives, both seen and unseen. It's a time to acknowledge the harvest within our hearts, the wisdom gained through life's experiences, and the relationships that enrich our existence. Practicing gratitude is a fundamental aspect of a cyclical lifestyle in autumn. It's a time to acknowledge and appreciate the abundance in our lives, from the bountiful harvest to the supportive community that surrounds us. Keeping a gratitude journal can help us cultivate this sense of thankfulness and remind us of life's blessings.

In this transition from late summer to early autumn, we witness the wonderful choreography of nature's cycles. It's a season of change, of bounty, of vibrant transformation, and of quiet introspection. As we embrace this shift, we're reminded of our own connection to the natural world and the wisdom it holds.

Ancestral Wisdom of Autumn

As we navigate this season of transformation, we follow in the footsteps of those who came before us, drawing from their timeless insights into the cycles of life. Our ancestors, attuned to the rhythms of nature, recognized the potency of this time, merging it into their traditions and rituals. Autumn, with its falling leaves and shifting landscapes, serves as a vivid reminder of the ancestral understanding of change and renewal. Imagine the falling leaves as a sacred exchange—the old making way for the new, just as the wisdom of one generation paves the path for the next.

In their rituals and celebrations, they paid homage to the eternal dance of transformation, reminding us that the shedding of the old is a sacred act, paving the way for new growth. Just as the leaves fall to nourish the earth, our ancestors understood that releasing what no longer serves us is a powerful step in our journey toward inner renewal and spiritual evolution.

We breathe in the echoes of their ancient teachings, forging a profound connection to our roots and the timeless wisdom that continues to guide us through the ever-turning wheel of the seasons.

Samhain: The Celtic New Year

As we move deeper into autumn, Samhain, celebrated from sunset on October 31st to sunset on November 1st, marks a sacred and ancient Celtic festival, carrying spiritual significance. During this sacred time, it is believed that the veil separating the physical world from the spirit realm becomes thin, allowing for easier communication with our ancestors, the spirits and also with our inner wisdoms. In the heart of Samhain's traditions, bonfires would illuminate the night, casting flickering shadows as people donned costumes that blurred the lines between the living and the departed. Offerings were left for those who had crossed over, a gesture of respect and remembrance. These ancient customs have transcended the ages of modern-day Halloween, reminding us of the enduring connection between our world and the ethereal beyond.

As above so below: Astrologically, autumn is a season of balance, reflection, and transformation, marked by the equinox—a moment when day and night share equal prominence. This balance is mirrored in the zodiac signs of Libra and Scorpio, which reign during autumn season.

The Zodiacs of Autumn

From September 23rd to October 22nd, Libra ruled by Venus, represented by the scales, encourages us to seek harmony and balance in our lives, harmonizing our inner and outer worlds as we prepare for the deeper introspection that the season brings. It's a time for evaluating our relationships, finding equilibrium, and making decisions with a sense of fairness. The energies of Libra remind us of the delicate dance between light and darkness, just as the days gradually grow shorter.

Later in autumn from October 23rd to November 21st, the water sign Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, takes the stage, which is associated with transformation, introspection, and rebirth. Scorpio's influence encourages us to explore the depths of our emotions, uncover hidden truths, and —much like the shedding of leaves from trees — shed what no longer serves us. This time supports our personal growth and spiritual evolution, as the focus shifts very much inward. As we embrace Scorpio's transformative energies during the autumn season, we honor the ancient wisdom of our ancestors who, too, recognized this time of profound change. They saw in Scorpio's influence a reflection of life's cycles—death and rebirth, decay and regeneration.

reflection journaling promts for fall

Cuddle up with a blanket and a comforting cup of herbal tea. Find a serene space, allowing yourself to re-connect through the following self-reflection prompts for autumn:

  • What are the blessings of life you are expirienceing right now?

  • Can you identify the tangible and intangible harvest of yours? How does this harvest feel?

  • How do you nourish and prepare your body, mind and soul for this seasonal transition?

  • How do you personally embrace change in your life? Can you let go of control?

  • Are there signs and synchronicities that have appeared in your life lately. Can you interpret them?

  • In what areas of your life do you seek balance and harmony, similar to the Libra energy of autumn? How can you work toward inviting that balance?

  • Connect to the element of air. See the leaves falling off your tree and fearlessly name the things you’re ready to let go. We encourage you to be brave"!

  • Connect to the element of water. Connect to your ancestors and your intuition. What are the messages you receive?

  • Connect to the element of fire by writing a note of what you’re ready to let go of and burn it in a safe container.

  • Connect to the element of air. Connect to the lightness, the feeling of openness that arises once we let go.

  • What are your goals and intentions for this autumn? How can you align them with the energies of the season?

“Without the light, no chance; without the dark, no dance.”

― Margaret Atwood,

Living in sync with the cycles of nature and integrating the energies of autumn in our personal lives reminds us on the importance of letting go and allowing ourselves to rest in order to root down and fully bloom again in a new cycle of growth.

Article by Lisa Carbone, Laura Carbone and chatgbt


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