Sound is a love language, comprehensible by any being. It will affect, touch, and move you.

When played with intention, frequencies and vibrations are a powerful way to release any stagnant energy that is not meant to be with you.

This alchemy of intention and frequency can support deep transformation, relaxation and healing.

sound is medicine

Are your ready to receive this sonic medicine?

In a Sonic Ceremony, you will receive a restorative frequency shower in a person.

Together we’ll set an intention to work for your highest good.

My voice and crystal alchemy sound bowls will sing, play, and channel for you as a duet.

This offering is for you when you are looking for a way to invite relaxation, centeredness, and uplifting energy into your system. This session will help you facilitate your very own healing process.




A perfect way to incorporate the pace of our wold and the accessibility thanks to the internet.

Through Zoom you and I will connect and you will receive your live session - wherever you are in the world!

Best to be enjoyed in a very comfortable seat, with headphones and “flight mode” on your phone ;)


„Everything felt so ease; I could completely let go.“

– Petra

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Cosmic dreaming



Long Story short: Physics. Many people understand that the healing power of music is indisputable. Despite this, doubt often leads to reluctance in taking advantage of this healing power. Because we love to tell the story in more details, we invite you read our article about that topic on Cosmic Magazine.